Is This Fall?

Today is October 19th, and the local weather forecasters are calling for an afternoon high of 88.  That’s a record-breaking temperature for this date in Georgia, and if you add that to the extreme heat we’ve endured all summer, as well as the ongoing drought, well, that’s a recipe for disaster when it comes to…

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The Blame Game

We’ve been in business for 20 years, and here’s the truth: sometimes accidents happen and things get broken. In our case damage manifests itself in the form of broken outdoor lighting, blown over Christmas decorations, or a cracked window pane. We’ve even gotten calls from people that aren’t our clients, but they just happened to…

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The Ins & Outs of Landscape Maintenance

Check out my interview, The Ins and Outs of Landscape Maintenance on Georgia State Homes, one of the top sites for Georgia real estate. We always enjoy talking to people about what we do and why we do it!

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Winter Kill in Turf

Many of our clients have experienced odd behavior in their lawns this year — areas not greening up; large, dead patches; thinning in shaded areas. More than likely what these properties are showcasing is something that we’re just not used to seeing so far south, and that is Winter Kill. Dr. Clint Waltz from the…

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The Importance of Erosion Control

One thing is for sure: prepping for a job is just as important as the job itself. So many times we’re contacted by people who are suffering the after effects of incorrect erosion control — either on their own property or a neighboring property. And what comes trickling down (literally) can carry with it so…

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Apples to Apples

So, here’s something that we hear a lot of from folks we’ve given an installation estimate to: “I got a quote from another company, and they’re a lot cheaper.” Huh.  Well, here’s something to consider: are the competing quotes literally based on the same job?   What I mean is this — unless a potential…

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East Side Elementary Outdoor Classroom

Here are a few pics of the outdoor area before we broke ground on Monday: A bit of initial progress: And today, a few more plants were added and the bench installation began.     We’ve found homes within the classroom design for plants that were already a part of the landscape at East Side,…

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School Days, School Days . . .

We are SO excited to be a part of a wonderful addition to East Side Elementary here in East Cobb — an Outdoor Classroom! Yesterday, initial construction began, and hopefully within the week the major transformation will take place. East Side’s wonderful administration, AMAZING PTA, Floralis Garden Design, & Team Turf have been working for…

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A Little Lesson in Aerating & Overseeding

So, many of us know that the Fall is the perfect time to aerate and overseed Fescue lawns, but not many of us know why. Basically, all cool season grass should be overseeded each Fall to keep it thick and lush. Unlike warm season grass, Fescue, Rye and Bluegrass don’t spread. Seeding it each Fall…

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Yard Makeover: Day 3

And we so continue with our yard makeover project of the week.  On Day 3 Team Turf installed sod in the front yard, continued to pull out unwanted shrubs and dangling limbs, and finished the day by adding fresh pinestraw, and cleaning up the mess we made in the progress! So here is the original…

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