March Is the Time To . . .

Prune hollies, boxwoods, gardenias, spireas, abelias, butterfly bushes, evergreen shrubs, and most summer-blooming shrubs. Cut back and fertilize roses (although you can do this as early as Valentine’s Day).  Cut hybrid teas back to 18″ tall, remove dead canes, and canes that rub. Knockout roses can be pruned back to half their size if necessary.…

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It’s Time to Prune

This is the time of year that you will look outside and see our crews pruning and cutting back the perennials in your yard.  So don’t get upset when you come home and things look tidier, and perhaps a bit smaller — we’re doing what needs to be done to get your yard ready for…

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To Prune or Not To Prune?

That seems to always be the question, and especially in this economy, you’ll want to remember that cutting back shouldn’t just apply to your monthly spending.  (Sorry, bad joke). Proper pruning and cutting back of your perennials keeps them healthy, attractive, and allows them to grow stronger and last longer.  The trick?  Knowing what you’re…

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